Being a leader is challenging. You must be confident, mentally tough, and able to perform under pressure. We help you create the mental toughness to thrive in difficult circumstances.
This course is all about creating the mental toughness necessary to become the character driven and mentally tough leader you need to be.
We use a three-step process of learn, apply, and reflect to teach the mental preparation skills necessary to thrive in challenging and uncertain environments.
Presentations, assessments, activities, and exercise downloads are designed to help you conduct a self-assessment and create improvement strategies so you can move toward the confident, focused, and mentally tough person of character needed.
The course includes a lesson designed for leaders, teachers, coaches, and parents to help implement critical skills.
Developing Mental Toughness lesson plan includes:
- Begins with a discussion of what mental toughness is and why it is important. This discussion includes the concept of “closing the capability gap” between where you are now in your preparation, and where you need to be as you pursue your most difficult challenges.
- Next, we’ll discuss the five components of performance. We’ll look physical toughness, emotional toughness, spiritual toughness, critical thinking, and your support team individually and learn how these components interact with one another to varying degrees depending on the nature of your goal or task.
- We’ll then do a deep-dive on mental toughness. You will learn how mental toughness serves as the integrative component and “fills the gap” of other components to help you achieve your most difficult goals and overcome life’s friction.
- Finally, we’ll look at mental toughness from a leader, coach, teacher, and parent perspective and discuss how you can increase the mental toughness of your “team”.
- The course includes one assessment tool designed to help you identify your natural tendencies within the six components of performance and an exercise to assist you in creating strategies to improve within each.