Life as a leader in today’s dynamic environment is often complex, uncertain, volatile, and ambiguous.
Leaders are constantly faced with difficult challenges and decisions with no clear answers. How do leaders rapidly respond to this environment?
This course is all about helping you create a "Personal Compass" designed to assist you in navigating life’s uncertainty. The “Personal Compass” course includes:
- Address the question of “why have a compass”.
- Present the concept of “alignment” and discuss how it can simplify your life.
- We use the analogy of a ‘road trip” to walk you through the process of building your own “personal compass” including:
- Values: a core set of principles used daily to guide your actions. These values serve as the "guard rails" for how you live your life.
- Priorities: important aspects of your life used to focus your time, energy, and other resources. Your priorities become your "lanes of travel" and occur within your values (the guard rails).
- Your life’s purpose: the intersection of your skills and talents, with a sense of service to those in need, resulting in a feeling of joy and fulfillment. Your life's purpose becomes your "destination". All your actions move toward your destination, or life's purpose.
- Your Spiritual Self: confidence and belief in something unseen and greater than yourself. Your faith becomes your "X FACTOR" and can compound effort.
- We present a practical, real-life example of how to use your personal compass to navigate challenging and difficult environments.
- A discussion for leaders, coaches, teachers, and parents on how teams and families can create and benefit from a “team compass”.
- The course includes corresponding worksheets to guide you through a step-by-step process to build your own “personal compass”.